20-4. Calculation formula of tension acting on the chain
( Application example)

20-4. Calculation formula of tension acting on the chain
(Application example)
Symbol description and unit
Static tension acting on the chain[kgf] T1=M*L1*f1 [kgf]

T2=T1*Kc1 [kgf]

T3=M*(L2*f1-H)+T2 [kgf]

T4=T3*Kc2 [kgf]
T3<0 When T4=0

T5=M*L3*f1 [kgf]

T6=1.1*T5 [kgf]

T7=M*W*f*L4+T6 [kgf]

T8=T7*Kc3 [kgf]

T9=W*(L5*f+H)+M*(L5*f1+H)+T8 [kgf]

T10=T9*Kc4 [kgf]

TMAX=M*L6*f1+W*f*L6+T10 [kgf]

TMAX:Maximum static tension acting on the chain [kgf]
M:Weight of movable transport unit (chain * number of rows)、Weight of buckets, aprons, etc.) [kgf/m]
L1: Sprocket center distance 1( horizontal direction)[m]
f1: Coefficient of friction between chain and guide rail
Kc1: Corner coefficient 1
L2: Sprocket center distance 2( horizontal direction) [m]
H: Sprocket center distance( Vertical direction) [m]
Kc2:Corner coefficient 2
L3:Sprocket center distance 3 ( horizontal direction) [m]
W: Weight per unit length of goods to be transported [kgf/m]
f: Coefficient of friction against the transported object
(When not accumulating 、f=f1 Friction between chain and guide rail coefficient
When accumulating、 Transport and bottom plate、Coefficient of friction with side plate)

L4:Sprocket center distance 4( horizontal direction)[m]
Kc3: Corner coefficient 3
L5: Sprocket center distance 5( horizontal direction)[m]
Kc4: Corner coefficient 4
L6: Sprocket center distance 6( horizontal direction)[m]
Calculation of required power of drive motor kW=TMAX*V*α/(102*60*η)
TMAX:Maximum static tension acting on the chain[kgf]
V: Transport speed( Chain speed)[m/min]
α: Motor safety factor
η: Machine transmission efficiency of the drive unit
Calculation of drive motor reduction ratio
(K: Motor reduction ratio)
V: Transport speed( Chain speed) [m/min]
Z1: Number of teeth on conveyor chain sprocket
Z2:Number of teeth on the drive shaft sprocket
Z3:Number of teeth on the motor shaft sprocket
R: Synchronous rotation speed of the motor
  60Hz:1800 RPM
  50Hz:1500 RPM

P: Chain pitch[mm]

Chain tension and motor power calculation explanatory diagram

Motor reduction ratio calculation explanatory diagram