2-22.Gas and liquid

The following table shows the refractive index for the sodium D line (wavelength 589.3 nm), the values ??for solid and liquid with respect to air, and gas. Is the value for vacuum.
material Refractive index @ material Refractive index @ material Refractive index
gas@(0ŽA1 atmosphere conversion) mercury 1.000933 Ethyl alcohol 1.3618
water vapor 1.000252 ƒOƒŠƒZƒŠƒ“ 1.4730
Argon 1.000284 hydrogen 1.000138 Diethyl ether 1.3538
sulfur 1.001111 nitrogen 1.000297 Carbon tetrachloride 1.4607
Carbon monoxide 1.000334 carbon dioxide 1.000450 Jord Methane 1.737
chlorine 1.000768 neon 1.000067 Seda oil 1.516
cadmium 1.002675 helium 1.000035 Paraffin oil 1.48
air 1.000292 benzene 1.001762 ƒ¿|Bromonaphthalene 1.660
Chloroform 1.001455 liquid (20Ž) benzene 1.5012
oxygen 1.000272 water 1.3330
bromine 1.001125 Aniline 1.586 Methyl alcohol 1.3290
References: "Chronological Scientific Tables" (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2000 edition) Physics / Chemistry Optical Properties 98 (552) Quoted from gas and liquid.